The Overall committee is responsible for overseeing all committees and assisting with all aspects of Mini-THON. The Mini-THON Overalls are Jacqueline Augugliaro and Ethan Flanagan.
OveralL Executives

The secretaries maintain up-to-date records of all Mini-THON paperwork, schedules, meeting minutes, and registration materials. The secretaries are Alena Mazlo and Madison Cottle.

The Mini-THON Accountants handle and keep detailed records of all monetary transactions made by or for Mini-THON throughout the year. Our Mini-THON accountants are Tyler Litts and Fikrie Hodzhova.

Corporate Fundraising Executives communicate with businesses and donors to request monetary donations. The Mini-THON Corporate Fundraisers are Ellie Kats, Ethan Wager, Charlotte DeRosa, and Riley Tepper.
Corporate Fundraising

Security is responsible for making bathroom shifts during the night of our event, along with making sure all dancers are safe and stay awake throughout the night. Chairs are Mason Drozal, Gianna Arroyo, and Anthony Ligouri.

Hospitality spends the school year making each Mini-THON event fun and inviting with decorations and entertainment. This team also choreographs our line dance, a dance done on the hour each hour by every participant at Mini-THON as a way of bringing our student body together. Chairs are Annmarie Cervone, Lauren Deemer, Elizabeth Lee, and Leah Pelaez.

The morale executives are in charge of keeping the excitement and energy for the committee throughout the year. They plan events such as Friendsgiving, Secret Santa, Senior Night, and many more. Chairs are Molly Durney, Rachel Traub, and Fatima Shabazz.
event Fundraising

The event fundraising committee plans and executes ways to raise money to donate to the families and children in need at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. Event fundraising chairs are Chelsea Rosario, Jack Francis, and Gabriella Vasquez.
event Coordination

The event coordination committee plans all the events that take place at Mini-THON and comprise a timeline to ensure all events run smoothly. They coordinate all the components of the events leading up to and including Mini-THON itself. Chairs are Isabel Rivera, Paraskevi Briegel, and Paige Courtright.

The nourishment committee gathers donations from businesses in the community who are interested in sponsoring our events and components of them. They are responsible for making sure #everybodyeats and that we have our food and drinks for the night. Our chairs are Megan Wagner, Chris Hu, and Chloe Butz.

The Mini-THON photographer is in charge of taking our exec photo and photos at our event. Our photographer is also in charge of communicating with the yearbook to make sure all events and fundraisers are photographed. Our chair is Rachel Bailey.
Public Relations

The Mini-THON Public Relations Executives are responsible for our social media presence in order to promote events, elevate excitement, and increase school involvement. The executives are Kristen Ingenito and Madison Leeth.

Freshman Executive organizes and represents a freshman committee at the Junior High. Responsible for communication and collaboration between the freshman class and the high school executives. Our Freshman Executives are Elizabeth Eberz and Katelyn Pantinople.
Freshman executives

The Mini-THON advisor is in charge of overseeing the entire executive committee. The advisor makes sure all committees are putting in their best effort to make Mini-THON the best it can possibly be. The Mini-THON advisor is Mrs. Sarah Davis