The overall committee oversees and finalizes all decisions made in each Mini-THON committee in order to make the event the best it can possibly be. Chairs are Kelsey DeSchriver, Adam DeSchriver, and Michelle Joyce.

The Mini-THON secretary, Mckenna Cassidy, is responsible for maintaining up to date records of all Mini-THON paperwork, schedules and meeting minutes for the committees.
The accountant, Julian Brown, is in charge of managing the Mini-THON account that sends Four Diamonds money every year.

The fundraising committee contacts local and corporate businesses that are interested in sponsoring our event. The proceeds are added to our fundraising total which will help families and children in need at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. Corporate fundraising chairs are Amber Quinn, Jake Angradi, Waleed Elsakka, Lexi Meisse, and Maci Kendrick.

The public relations committee sends out information about Mini-THON and events leading up to it to increase public interest through various social networking sites, advertisements, and communication. Chairs are Jake Artzt and Josefine Cardoni.

The event coordination committee plans all the events that take place at Mini-THON and comprise a timeline to ensure all events run smoothly. They coordinate all the components of the events leading up to and including Mini-THON itself. Chairs are Julian Brown, Stefi Luna, and Chris Vo.

Hospitality spends the school year making each Mini-THON event fun and inviting with decorations and entertainment. This team also choreographs our line dance, a dance done on the hour each hour by every participant at Mini-THON as a way of bringing our student body together. Chairs are Eva Labayen, Zoe Petrides, Kevin Hughes, and Charlie Cimino.

The tech committee spends the duration of the school year training and preparing to make the night of Mini-THON come alive with lights, sound and the live streaming of our event. They also provide tech support for any other Mini-THON events. TECH IS ERIK DIEMER.

The nourishment committee gathers donations from businesses in the community who are interested in sponsoring our events and them components of them. Our two nourishment chairs are Maddie O'Dowd and Brycen Butz. They are responsible for making sure #everybodyeats and that we have our food and drinks for the night.